Spreadsheet questions are useful for assessing students' ability to understand and use spreadsheets to analyze and report tabular data. Question authors create spreadsheet templates to be completed by students. Student responses are automatically scored and immediate feedback is optionally provided to the student.
Try it
Imagine a scenario where a home economics teacher wants to test your ability to create a personal budget. She creates a spreadsheet template with a list of expense categories and some fixed values and asks you to complete the budget using appropriate formulas.
Your task is to enter forumlas into the blank (red) cells of the table to compute the expected values described in column C (e.g. cell B3 should contain the forumla =B2*35% or =B2*.35).
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Note: The spreadsheet question type can be set to provide immediate feedback (as in this demo), delayed feedback through a "Check Answer" button, or delayed feedback for summative use cases.
How it works
The Artcompiler spreadsheet question type is purpose built for assessment. In addition to providing common spreadsheet user experience, it is designed to be tightly integrated with assessment platforms.
Key features of the spreadsheet question type include:
- Scoring individual cells by equivalence of the formula, value, or formatted text
- Common spreadsheet formula syntax and function names
- Protecting cells and regions to make read-only parts of the question template
- Styling and formatting cells and regions using standard spreadsheet functionality